Henry Iversen

Co-Founder & Chief Commercial Officer

Henry Vaage Iversen is a co-founder and the Chief Commercial Officer at boost.ai, a Norwegian and US-based software company specializing in AI-powered customer interactions. Boost.ai is the inventor of the world’s most complete software for building, implementing and operating virtual agents powered by conversational AI technology. Henry was instrumental in establishing key relationships with the company’s early clients, helping to cement boost.ai as a major player in the Nordics. Today, Henry continues to flex his business acumen, fostering existing relationships while expanding boost.ai’s vision for conversational AI into new markets. Henry currently heads the company’s global sales team leading efforts to reach potential customers in various sectors around the world.

Henry holds a Master’s Degree in strategy and management from the University of Stavanger.


10:05 AM - 10:50 AM EST  |  Wednesday June 21

Keynote: Understanding the Value of AI Beyond the Hype